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How to Spot Water Damage

When it comes to floors, water can be an undetected enemy until it's already caused some expensive damage. This is especially true in areas of the house that aren't often used. So, here are a few things that you can look out for to avoid costly water damage:

1. Standing Water

Finding problem areas in your house isn't always as easy as spotting a puddle, but if you do see one you can be sure that you already have an issue on your hands. If you happen upon standing water you should immediately look for the source. It could be a broken toilet, dishwasher, water heater, a leaky roof, or even a busted pipe. Dry the area as much as possible and then call a professional to come fix the problem.

2. Odor

Your nose is a good indicator of whether or not you might have water damage in your floors. If you start to smell mold, mildew, or a musty odor there's a good chance water has made its way into your home somewhere. Check your walls, ceilings, storage areas, kitchen, around appliances, and of course, your floors for further signs of water damage.

3. Color

If you suddenly see part of your house start to change color take note. You're looking for areas that have turned yellow, copper, or brown. If you see this discoloration near the base of your wall you should check your the area, particularly your floors, carefully for water damage.

4. Warping

The texture or overall shape of your floor may change if water has begun to affect it. Warping, crowning, cupping, or sinking areas may begin to appear. These are all issues that only get worse with time, so call a professional as soon as you can to find out how you can reverse the damage or replace your floor.

Have you noticed any of these problems around your house? Let us help! Call (616) 826-6668 today!


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