The beach is a fantastic getaway option water bugs and landlubbers alike. There you can enjoy all of the best smells, sights, sounds and activities of summer in a low-stress situation. The kiddos can splash around in the water, mom can read on the beach, dad can enjoy freshly grilled summer delicacies such as hot dogs...everybody wins!
Ah, but alas, every silver lining must come accompanied by a cloud. At the beach, that cloud finds its way into every nook and cranny of your entire being. At latches on to your clothes, your skin, your beach toys, towels, hair, and even your food! And the worst part? It ALWAYS manages to come home with you. We are, of course, talking about sand.
More than just a nuisance?
Don't get us wrong, sand is nice, but it can wreak havoc on your floors! Your carpeting and hardwood floors are particularly susceptible to damage.
Take hardwood floors, for instance. When sand is tracked onto a hardwood floor and left there it is automatically put in a position to wear your floor and your finish down. The sand by itself does not present too much cause for alarm, but as soon as people start walking over the sand, friction is created and kickstarts a...well...sanding effect (the term sandpaper wasn't chosen just because it sounded nice). Not only will your floors look bad, but the integrity of the natural wood is compromised.
Then you have carpeting, which is a much more unexpected victim. Not only can sand get caught in the depths of your carpet fibers, but it can wear down those fibers once it's there. As if that weren't enough, it will also absorb any spills or splashes that take place (think kitty litter). Having that moisture locked into your carpet means odors and bacteria buildup. How gross is that?
Keep it at the beach.
In order to make sure that the sand you bring home doesn't have the chance to affect your floors, go through this checklist of de-sanding actions:
Take shoes off outside and leave them there
Rinse off and dry sandy feet before entering the home
Brush off any sand that is stuck to your body
Shake sand off of towels and clothes while at the beach and transport them to your laundry room in a bag
Keep a brush doormat at the door and use it regularly
Vacuum at least once a week and after every beach trip
Sweep your floor a few times a week
If the problem is really bad, have a professional come out to clean your floor